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CFA Classroom > Corporate Transparency Act Compliance

Corporate Transparency Act Compliance

Duration: 60:00

40 million Business Owners will be impacted by this new federal law which requires business entities to disclose personal information and photographs of persons with ownership and control over their business.

Why this matters for you!: From Wall Street to Main Street to your street, the vast majority of private and many nonprofit entities will be swept into Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) compliance.

If you own or control a business entity, you need to pay attention. Not only is initial reporting important, so is ongoing compliance and coordination with other information disclosures you are currently making. We will discuss who is required to report, exemptions, ramifications of ignoring this legislation, as well as answer questions you may have.

What is this law about? If you have not heard of the CTA, you are not alone. Many business owners, executives and their professional advisors, are taken aback upon learning of the CTA’s existence and scope. At its core, the CTA requires reporting of personal direct and indirect beneficial ownership and control information pertaining to businesses operating in the U.S.

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