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Based in Mt. Vernon, Iowa, CFA headquarters is the office for Executive Director James Baty, Membership Growth and Engagement Skye Kelley and the rest of the Association’s dedicated staff.

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Concrete Foundations Association (CFA)
402 1st Avenue SE
P.O. Box 204
Mount Vernon, Iowa 52314

Phone: (319) 895-6940
Fax: (320) 213-5556

Email: info@cfaconcretepros.com

CFA WEBSITE - cfaconcretepros.org

CFA’s website continues to evolve as the principal place for information, resources and sources of networking for anyone involved in the cast-in-place concrete industry. The site features historical content, information about the Association and the network, technical solutions, resources, event information, and an expanding library of education for training and professional development. Membership directories for companies and products marketed can be searched by product and member type, location and more.


Social media has become a vital part of the identification of network and brand development for companies at every level. While there is some validity in each of the major social media platforms, our selected engagement is based on each platform we believe exists for the majority of our audience. In each of these selected, we strive to create a balance of consistency and uniqueness for our content to be used in a manner that plays to specific strengths of each one. Where there is redundancy of a few bits of information, you will likely find the most important points of interest. You will, however, recognize conceptual differences to how we are using each of the platforms.